Up-to-date Coronavirus Count

31.01.20 12:22 AM By Jon

Coronavirus counter by South China Morning Post, and interactive
map by Johns Hopkins.  Updated regularly throughout the day.

The widget below, for as long at it keeps working, provides up-to-the-minute numbers, as officially reported by China NHS.  They're being updated many times per day.  You can also scroll down for an interactive map supported by Johns Hopkins, which gathers data from NHS, WHO, CDC, ECDC, and DXY..

Johns Hopkins Interactive Map
Google Trends : for the search string: "Pandemic"
Google Trends : for the search string: "Colloidal Silver"
Google Trends : for the search string: "Chloroquine"
Google Trends : for the search string: "Colloidal Silver"
Google Trends : for the search string: "Vitamin C"
Google Trends : for the search string: "Zinc"
Screenshot of SCMP.com's Coronavirus counter widget captured around 6pm EST 30 January 2020 reads 9480 cases and 213 deaths.
Screenshot only 2 hours later, the evening of Jan 30
Reuters' exponential chart from 8 Dec 2019 to 27 Jan 2020 (only about 6 weeks). Reported cases have risen 3000% in the past week.
JHU Map on 25 January